How to clean a fogged or damaged Honda Accord tail light?
Posted by Admin | 01 Jul
How to clean a fogged or damaged Accord tail light is a relatively simple process. First, you need to remove the tail light. To do this, simply follow the instructions on your vehicle's service manual. To clean a damaged or fogged tail light, follow the instructions in the vehicle's service manual. Water usually leaks from the seal between the outer and inner cover. This can occur due to weather and other external factors.
Next, you should thoroughly dry the fogged tail light. To do this, you should use a rag dampened with water. Then, use baking soda to make a paste and then rub it on the headlight. This will help remove the layer of deteriorated plastic. Once the paste is removed, you can install a new tail light assembly. You will need to do this carefully as this method will damage the sensitive lens.
To replace a damaged or fogged tail light, follow the instructions in your vehicle's service manual. To replace the bulb, unscrew the two bolts and the plastic trim panel on the rear of the tail light. Pull the new light bulb into the tail light housing. Make sure to align the outer lines of the overlay with the inner lines of the taillight. Be careful not to stretch or warp the new tail light.